Our Mission

Our mission is simple. We want to provide you with value that you won’t find at traditional financial firms. From those sleepless nights working on your business venture to the financial hurdles that you might have encountered along the way, we understand and recognize the sacrifices that entrepreneurs like yourself have made to get to where you are today. We take great pride in providing you with financial services that will help take you and your business to the next level of success.

Robert Gates' handwritten signature.

Our Services

  • For businesses with a minimum top line revenue of $2 million, our outsourced CFO services can help propel your operational and financial growth. We bring expert-level financial and operational guidance to your team's doorstep.

  • Our goal is to align your financial objectives with the right investment vehicles and strategies. From public to private markets we provide a comprehensive and strategic investment plan to help you grow and preserve the wealth that you have built.

  • Minimizing your tax burden is an integral part of financial planning. We offer strategic advice and collaborate with your tax professional to optimize your current and future tax situation.

  • Our estate planning services involve a thorough analysis of your estate tax exposure and current plans. We help ensure your wills, trusts, and other essential documents are aligned with your estate goals.

A portrait of Robert Gates, a professional young businessman smiling in a blue suit with a red and blue striped tie on a grey background.

Robert Gates

Having been a consultant for many high-net worth individuals and businesses in various industries, Robert founded his firm, Gates Wealth Group to provide financial services that are unrivaled by traditional financial firms. Robert works diligently with his team to help his clients’ business ventures grow and succeed.

CEO, Founder